Results for "conservation agriculture"
CIMMYT and IITA collaborate to increase adoption of conservation agriculture in...
New project will research and promote the adoption of sustainable farming...
Innovations, Nutrition, health and food securityConservation agriculture for sustainable intensification in Eastern India
A new policy brief provides a roadmap for accelerating the adoption...
Environmental health and biodiversity, Nutrition, health and food securityConservation agriculture feeds people and protects the environment
Initiative in Zimbabwe pursues holistic and multi-faceted approach to support climate...
Climate adaptation and mitigation, Environmental health and biodiversity,Conservation agriculture key to better income, environment protection: Study
Source: The Hindu Business Line (17 Apr 2020)
New study in India reports conservation agriculture increases crop yield and...
Climate adaptation and mitigation, InnovationsConservation agriculture key in meeting UN Sustainable Development Goals
New analysis shows benefits of conservation agriculture to crop performance, water...
Climate adaptation and mitigation, Nutrition, health and food securityMassive Open Online Course: Conservation Agriculture-based Sustainable Intensification
This course deals with the multiple dimensions of conservation agriculture for...
What is conservation agriculture?
Farmers are increasingly adopting conservation agriculture practices. This sustainable farming method...
Climate adaptation and mitigation, InnovationsMalawi farmers nurture soil grow incomes with conservation agriculture
Source: IPP Media (14 Dec 2019)
CIMMYT introduced farmers Kassim Massi and Joyce Makawa to conservation agriculture.
Nutrition, health and food securitySeed production innovations, conservation agriculture and partnerships are key for Africa’s...
Partner field days in Kenya presented sustainable solutions to crop threats...
Nutrition, health and food securityConservation Agriculture: Gateway for Sustainable Intensification of Smallholder Systems
Participants will develop enhanced understanding on the locally adapted conservation agriculture-based...
Conservation agriculture works for farmers and for sustainable intensification
Agriculture leaders of eastern and southern Africa encourage wider adoption of...
Climate adaptation and mitigationFarm Mechanization and Conservation Agriculture for Sustainable Intensification (FACASI)
Conservation agriculture-based innovation systems
This course allows participants to become familiar with different aspects of...
New publications: How climate-smart is conservation agriculture?
A new study shows that while CA is well suited to...
Climate adaptation and mitigationNew Publications: Conservation agriculture increases the adaptive capacity of cropping systems
A new study examined over 700 independent studies to find out...
Climate adaptation and mitigation