Results for "conservation agriculture"

Climate adaptation and mitigation

Agricultural Development Officer tag iconClimate adaptation and mitigation

Field Research Technician

Machinery Development Officertag iconInnovations

Scientist - Crop Modeller

Field Office Coordinator
Capacity development
In the media

Source: Agroinformación (22 Jun 2021)

At the 8th World Congress on Conservation Agriculture, Martin Kropff argued...

tag iconCapacity development, Environmental health and biodiversity
Gender equality, youth and social inclusion

CIMMYT system economist explores ways to streamline smallholder farming systems through...

tag iconGender equality, youth and social inclusion, Innovations,

Capacity development

New online training takes farmers and service providers though a visual...

tag iconCapacity development, Innovations
Nutrition, health and food security

Trial results highlight the long-term benefits of conservation agriculture-based weed management.

tag iconNutrition, health and food security

Associate Scientist - Crop Disease Geo-Spatial

Communication Outreach Officer