Results for "conservation agriculture"
Sustainable agriculture poised to save Mayan rainforests from deforestation
Sustainable farming practices allow smallholder farmers to improve maize yields while...
Capacity development, Climate adaptation and mitigation,A Chat With: IPNI Director Shamie Zingore — boosting smallholder agriculture...
Effective partnerships between research, public and private sector institutions are the...
Nutrition, health and food securitySustainable agriculture takes root in Karnataka, India
Nearly 150 scientists, researchers and extension agents attended a field training...
Capacity development, Climate adaptation and mitigation,African ambassadors to Zimbabwe support improved agriculture technologies
Several African nation ambassadors to Zimbabwe pledged to step up support...
Nutrition, health and food securityDonors push for sustainable agriculture in Latin America and the Caribbean
CIMMYT joins global partnership to find sustainable solutions to agriculture in...
Capacity developmentNAAS fellow M.L. Jat talks climate change, sustainable agriculture
Senior Scientist M.L. Jat has received India’s National Academy of Agricultural...
Climate adaptation and mitigation, InnovationsBalancing economy and ecology: agriculture vs. nature
Reconciliation of the right to develop and environmental protection must move...
Climate adaptation and mitigation, Innovations,CIMMYT delegation meets with Turkey’s Minister of Food, Agriculture, and Livestock
Creative solutions for Latin American agriculture
Nele Verhulst, Strategic Research Coordinator of the Global Conservation Agriculture Program...
Capacity development, InnovationsUAVs provide researchers in NW China with a new view of...
We have come a long way when it comes to obtaining...
Capacity developmentClimate-smart agriculture achievements inspire support for BISA-CIMMYT in Bihar, India
During the 2014-2015 winter season, national and international stakeholders visit climate-smart...
Climate adaptation and mitigation, InnovationsRace for Food Security by 2050 Can be Won, Mexico Agriculture...
Climate-smart agriculture to combat global warming
Agriculture has the potential to be “part of the solution to...
Capacity development, Climate adaptation and mitigationCCAFS study finds limited potential of no-till agriculture for climate change...
Precision farming down under at the National Centre for Engineering in...
CIMMYT scientists discuss the complementary nature of the two organizations in...
Capacity development, Innovations