Results for "climate change"
Digital solutions advance soil health for sustainable food systems and climate...
Digital tools that improve access to information and enhance farmers' ability...
Climate-proofing India’s daily bread: The race for resilient wheat
Source: Thomson Reuters Foundation ()
CIMMYT is key in developing climate-resilient wheat in India, boosting food...
Sowing seeds of change: CIMMYT leads crop diversification efforts in South...
CIMMYT is leading South Asia's crop diversification efforts with projects such...
CIMMYT and WorldVeg strengthen collaboration in the midst of the climate...
Agreement builds on successful partnership in southern and eastern Africa.
In Ethiopia, workshop brings together stakeholders on climate risk analysis outputs
Stakeholders commend climate risk adaptation plans for Ethiopian value chains, including...
In Ethiopia, regional and local representatives endorse national framework on climate...
Ethiopian Meteorological Institute in partnership with CIMMYT organized a workshop to...
Empowering women smallholder farmers in Africa with climate-resilient and nutritious maize...
CIMMYT-NARES regional maize breeding networks empower farmers, especially women, to ensure...
Millets: Climate-resilient crops for food and nutrition security, experts reveal
As the world faces food insecurity and malnutrition fueled by a...
The world’s future wheat will need to withstand the climate crisis
Source: Quartz (20 Sep 2023)
As hotter temperatures and drought become the norm in places used...
The world must act to avert a climate-induced food shortage, cautions...
Cary Fowler, U.S. special envoy for food security, warns of dire...
Groundwater depletion rates in India could triple in coming decades as...
Source: Michigan News (1 Sep 2023)
New study analyzes historical data on groundwater levels, climate and crop...