Results for "climate change"
Ethiopian farmers weatherproof their livelihoods
Farmers boost their climate resilience and make money as they phase...
Groundwater conservation policies help fuel air pollution crisis in northwestern India,...
Later rice planting in Haryana and Punjab leads to concentrated agricultural...
Research, innovation, partnerships, impact
Knowledge share fair highlights CGIAR contributions to the Ethiopian agriculture sector.
Millions at lower risk of vitamin A deficiency after six-year campaign...
More than two million households across six countries received sweet potato...
Policy outreach to mainstream SIMLESA learning: Q&A with Paswel Marenya
After eight years of project learning, reflections on what conservation agriculture...
What’s new in southern Africa?
From smart mechanization to nutritious and drought tolerant seeds, partners discover...
Mexican Secretary of Agriculture joins new partners and longtime collaborators in...
Villalobos recognized the immense work ahead, but was optimistic that young...
Growing need for food is reason for more biodiversity
A recent study in Ethiopia has concluded that encouraging biodiversity on...
New publications: Gender and agricultural innovation in Oromia region, Ethiopia
Authors examine how smallholders attempt to innovate with improved wheat seed,...
City dwellers in Africa and Asia increasingly choose wheat, research shows
The developing world’s appetite for wheat is growing swiftly, driven in...
New publications: Role of Modelling in International Crop Research
Resource-poor farmers worldwide stand to gain from developments in the field...
Seeds go digital
Faster and better-quality certification, a game-changer for African farmers?