Results for "climate change"

Nutrition, health and food security

John R. Porter, member of the WHEAT Independent Steering Committee, was...

tag iconNutrition, health and food security
Nutrition, health and food security
Press releases

Findings can help to boost wheat’s climate resilience worldwide

tag iconNutrition, health and food security
Gender equality, youth and social inclusion

We have to commit to also include women and others who...

tag iconGender equality, youth and social inclusion
Gender equality, youth and social inclusion

Women play a major role in African agriculture. Purity Wanjiku, of...

tag iconGender equality, youth and social inclusion
Nutrition, health and food security

With Syria torn apart by civil war, a team of scientists...

tag iconNutrition, health and food security

CIMMYT held its second training workshop on “Crop Modeling under Uncertain...

tag iconCapacity development, Climate adaptation and mitigation
Press releases

Bram Govaerts, strategic leader for Sustainable Intensification in Latin America and...

tag iconInnovations
Climate adaptation and mitigation

One of the strongest El Niños on record is underway, threatening...

tag iconClimate adaptation and mitigation, Nutrition, health and food security
Climate adaptation and mitigation

tag iconClimate adaptation and mitigation, Nutrition, health and food security
Climate adaptation and mitigation

tag iconClimate adaptation and mitigation, Gender equality, youth and social inclusion
Climate adaptation and mitigation

Scientists involved in a major global initiative aimed at increasing wheat...

tag iconClimate adaptation and mitigation, Nutrition, health and food security
Climate adaptation and mitigation

Reconciliation of the right to develop and environmental protection must move...

tag iconClimate adaptation and mitigation, Innovations,

tag iconInnovations, Nutrition, health and food security
Gender equality, youth and social inclusion

Interview with Clare Stirling, co-author of a new paper, reveals almost...

tag iconGender equality, youth and social inclusion, Innovations
Climate adaptation and mitigation

tag iconClimate adaptation and mitigation, Innovations,