Results for "climate change"
Conservation agriculture works for farmers and for sustainable intensification
Agriculture leaders of eastern and southern Africa encourage wider adoption of...
Shifting to a demand-led maize improvement agenda
In annual meeting, STMA project partners build on the successes of...
Looking forward, looking back
Partners from four countries reflect and plan ahead after five years...
Tracing maize landraces, 50 years later
Scientists track down the families in Morelos, Mexico, who donated maize...
Winners of 2019 MAIZE Youth Innovators Awards – Africa announced
The five young awardees are advancing change, innovation and research in...
Sustaining the production and demand of Quality Protein Maize in Ethiopia
As the Nutritious Maize for Ethiopia (NuME) project comes to an...
CIMMYT and GOAL team up to help farmers in Zimbabwe fight...
Identifying best practices to fight the invasive pest.
Book launch: Lead farmers in eastern and southern Africa
A new book draws on experiences of men and women farmers...