Results for "climate change"
CGIAR is receiving applications to join the One CGIAR Common Board
The world’s largest public research network on food systems, of which...
Out of the classroom and into the field
Malawian smallholders tackle challenges together using the farmer field school approach.
Conservation agriculture key to better income, environment protection: Study
Source: The Hindu Business Line (17 Apr 2020)
New study in India reports conservation agriculture increases crop yield and...
Breaking Ground: Sylvanus Odjo finds the right technology for each farmer
CIMMYT postharvest specialist tests drying and storage technologies to help reduce...
Conservation agriculture key in meeting UN Sustainable Development Goals
New analysis shows benefits of conservation agriculture to crop performance, water...
A less risky business
Through new project, tools and insurance services will help small farmers...
Crossing boundaries
Looking at wheat diseases in times of the COVID-19 crisis.
One-minute science: Cesar Petroli and genomic profiles
Developing genomic profiles of DNA samples can accelerate the breeding process.
Breaking Ground: Aparna Das leads efficient and demand-driven maize research
Technical coordination between research and development partners is key to breed...
New publications: Breeders can benefit much more from phenotyping tools
Researchers discuss how phenotyping can assist breeding and make the case...
Why heirloom tortillas are an endangered species
Source: Maclean's (6 Mar 2020)
Preserving ancient maize landraces in Mexico is key for biodiversity, food...
What will be the new face of European agriculture in the...
Source: EuroNews (2 Mar 2020)
Rising temperatures pose risk for agriculture in Europe — but adaptation...