Results for "climate change"
Taking stock of value chain development
Assessing the approach’s potential and limitations for strengthening the livelihoods of...
Breaking Ground: Gokul Paudel finds the best on-farm practices for South...
CIMMYT system economist explores ways to streamline smallholder farming systems through...
Solving South Asia’s sustainability issues will require a systems approach to...
New research shows that a portfolio of crop management practices can...
Crop variety guide for farmers
New manual supports informed choices for climate resilience in Zimbabwe.
Agriculture for Peace: A call to action to avert a global...
CIMMYT, the Government of Mexico and the Nobel Peace Center celebrate...
Q&A: CGIAR investment has generated returns of 10 times the amount...
Philip Pardey discusses the importance of collaboration between national research systems...
Are solar powered irrigation systems scalable?
New compendium analyzes existing pilot initiatives across different agro-climatic zones in...
Saving water and time
Drip irrigation technologies are conserving resources and improving farmer resilience in...
What can the last 30 years of research tell us?
An expansive new review seeks out the key drivers of climate-resilient...
Crop Modeling community of practice
Improving global coordination of crop modeling efforts.
New publications: COVID-19 induced economic loss and ensuring food security for...
Study quantifies the economic losses from Bangladesh’s COVID-19 lockdowns and outlines...
Beyond breeding: the potential of improved postharvest storage techniques for smallholder...
Two-year study reveals techniques to strengthen Mexican smallholder farmers’ food security.
AgriFoodTrust platform gains momentum in quest for more inclusive, transparent agriculture
The testing and learning platform is working to tackle issues from...