Results for "climate change"
Diagram links physiological traits of wheat for yield potential
Researchers build on existing source-and-sink model to map complex interaction of...
Wheat versus heat
Urgent action is required to mitigate effects of temperature extremes in...
Protecting plant health for food and nutritional security
Global networks present unified and transdisciplinary strategy to protect key crops...
CGIAR Initiative to increase resilience, sustainability and competitiveness in Latin America...
The new AgriLAC Resiliente Initiative will increase resilience, ecosystem services and...
Q&A: Regenerative agriculture for soil health
Farming system harnesses the power of biology to rebuild soil organic...
Launch of the CGIAR Plant Health Initiative
The initiative aims to protect agriculture-based economies of low- and middle-income...
CIMMYT to lead CGIAR varietal improvement and seed delivery project in...
The AVISA project aims to improve the health and livelihoods of...
The worst global food security crisis in 50 years could be...
At lectures at Cornell University, CIMMYT director general calls for quick...
Another food crisis?
The Russia-Ukraine conflict will cause massive disruptions to global wheat supply...
CRP Wheat Annual Report 2021
The legacy of this international collaboration in wheat research sealed in...
Gender-transformative research for sustainable food systems
Discover groundbreaking research from CIMMYT and CGIAR to promote gender equality...
Plant breeding innovations
Over millennia, natural selection and humans have systematically adapted the plant...
Wheat titan honored posthumously by India
Sanjaya Rajaram, former CIMMYT Wheat Program Director, has been recognized with...
8th International Cereal Nematodes Symposium (ICNS)
Cereal nematodes, including both the Cereal Cyst Nematodes (Heterodera spp.; CCNs)...