Results for "climate change"
Integrated initiative launches in Nepal, India and Bangladesh
Collaborative project between CGIAR research centers aiming to improve food security...
Drought-tolerant maize and use of forecasting in agriculture praised by the...
CIMMYT and CGIAR scientists develop drought-tolerant maize and use forecast information...
CGIAR Initiative: Sustainable Intensification of Mixed Farming Systems (SI-MFS)
Why co-creation is vital for sustainable agriculture
CIMMYT Director General Bram Govaerts explains to government and private sector...
Can agriculture bring South Asian countries together?
An article in Amar Ujala in India explores the cross-country collaboration...
Mohammad Shahidul Islam
Galvanizing food systems transformation in South Asia
New Initiative builds on CGIAR’s collective strengths and brings together stakeholders...
Singh recognized for wheat crop improvement
SAWBAR bestowed the Sh. VS Mathur Memorial Award 2022 upon CIMMYT...
Fragile global food system calls for a collaborative approach
Source: The Tribune India (2 Sep 2022)
Bram Govaerts, CIMMYT Director General, calls for greater collaboration to address...
Strengthening capacity and building national and regional partnerships in the seed...
CIMMYT and its partners provide training on hybrid maize seeds to...
Cereal seed systems
Discover how CIMMYT scientists support getting new improved seeds to farmers...
CGIAR Initiative: Transforming Agrifood Systems in South Asia (TAFSSA)
Mexican farming can transition to be more resilient with technology
The Global Farmer Network share their perspective on the challenges facing...
Conservation agriculture practices revive saline and sodic soils
Evidence suggests conservation agriculture can maintain the sustainability of agri-food systems...