Results for "climate change"

Climate adaptation and mitigation

A hotter planet was devastating wheat yields in one of India’s...

tag iconClimate adaptation and mitigation
Environmental health and biodiversity

CIMMYT is working with Zimbabwe government organizations to facilitate sustainable food...

tag iconEnvironmental health and biodiversity
Nutrition, health and food security
In the media

Source: Africa Briefing (13 Feb 2023)

Bram Govaerts emphasizes the potential for agricultural development in Africa using...

tag iconNutrition, health and food security
In the media

Source: NextBillion (8 Feb 2023)

Efforts to transform global food systems typically focus on introducing/scaling new...

Climate adaptation and mitigation
In the media

Source: Gates Notes (31 Jan 2023)

Bill Gates reflects on a recent visit to a Kenyan farm...

tag iconClimate adaptation and mitigation, Gender equality, youth and social inclusion,
Nutrition, health and food security
In the media

Source: Big News Network (26 Jan 2023)

An article in the Big News Network examines opportunities for collaboration...

tag iconNutrition, health and food security
Environmental health and biodiversity
In the media

Source: Global Indian (20 Jan 2023)

A distinguished scientist and Head of Global Wheat Improvement at the...

tag iconEnvironmental health and biodiversity, Nutrition, health and food security

Systems Agronomist and Lead Science
Climate adaptation and mitigation
In the media

Source: Global Trade Review (16 Jan 2023)

The Ukraine crisis has triggered spikes in food and fertilizer prices,...

tag iconClimate adaptation and mitigation, Nutrition, health and food security
Capacity development

In the Mbire and Murehwa districts of Zimbabwe, smallholder farmers are...

tag iconCapacity development, Environmental health and biodiversity,
Climate adaptation and mitigation

Scientists determine nitrogen use could be reduced without impacting rice yields...

tag iconClimate adaptation and mitigation, Nutrition, health and food security
Climate adaptation and mitigation

At COP15, CIMMYT scientists highlighted the significance of DSI in conserving,...

tag iconClimate adaptation and mitigation, Environmental health and biodiversity
Climate adaptation and mitigation

The Global Food Security Forum for Young Scientists, hosted at Huazhong...

tag iconClimate adaptation and mitigation, Gender equality, youth and social inclusion
Climate adaptation and mitigation

Climate-resilient soil fertility management by smallholders in Africa, Asia, and Latin...

tag iconClimate adaptation and mitigation