Results for "climate change"
A tale of two worlds: contrasting realities in southern and northern...
El Niño has contributed to starkly different weather patterns in northern...
No Stones, No Grit! A game-changing technology to process small grain...
A locally made, affordable multi-crop thresher offers a convenient post-harvest processing...
MARA-CIMMYT Joint Laboratory hosts CGIAR delegation
The MARA-CIMMYT Joint Laboratory, hosted by Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences...
Advancing appropriate-scale mechanization in the Global South
Premised on sharing best practices and charting a way forward towards...
Reaching farmers in Zambia
AID-I conducted a community sensitization to connect Zambian farmers with existing...
Advanced training on conservation agriculture focuses on creating sustainable agronomic systems
During the two-week training, jointly conducted by CIMMYT-BISA-ICAR, participants learned about...
Strengthening resilience in Mutoko farmers through agroecological research
A workshop to help tackle climate challenges faced by Mutoko farmers...
Transforming Agriculture: A Day in Cambodia with Wanjiku Guchu
Source: CGIAR ()
CIMMYT contributes significantly to the global Excellence in Agronomy Initiative, focusing...
Examining how insects spread toxic fungi
CIMMYT leads international collaboration to monitor invasive pests attacking post-harvest crops...
Riya Gupta
Every drop of water matters: Leading global research institutes ally to...
Two world-class research-for-development centers will work to raise food production and...
Transforming rural agriculture with improved seed and mechanization
Attended by over 1,300 smallholder farmers, the fourth edition of the...