Results for "climate change"

Climate adaptation and mitigation

El Niño has contributed to starkly different weather patterns in northern...

tag iconClimate adaptation and mitigation, Environmental health and biodiversity,
Capacity development

A locally made, affordable multi-crop thresher offers a convenient post-harvest processing...

tag iconCapacity development, Innovations,
Environmental health and biodiversity

The MARA-CIMMYT Joint Laboratory, hosted by Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences...

tag iconEnvironmental health and biodiversity
Climate adaptation and mitigation

Premised on sharing best practices and charting a way forward towards...

tag iconClimate adaptation and mitigation, Innovations

Capacity development

AID-I conducted a community sensitization to connect Zambian farmers with existing...

tag iconCapacity development, Climate adaptation and mitigation,
Capacity development

During the two-week training, jointly conducted by CIMMYT-BISA-ICAR, participants learned about...

tag iconCapacity development, Poverty reduction, livelihoods and jobs
Capacity development

A workshop to help tackle climate challenges faced by Mutoko farmers...

tag iconCapacity development, Climate adaptation and mitigation,

Climate adaptation and mitigation
In the media

Source: CGIAR ()

CIMMYT contributes significantly to the global Excellence in Agronomy Initiative, focusing...

tag iconClimate adaptation and mitigation, Innovations
Capacity development

tag iconCapacity development, Climate adaptation and mitigation,
Climate adaptation and mitigation
Blogs Explainers

CIMMYT leads international collaboration to monitor invasive pests attacking post-harvest crops...

tag iconClimate adaptation and mitigation, Environmental health and biodiversity
Environmental health and biodiversity

Communication Officer - BISA tag iconEnvironmental health and biodiversity, Gender equality, youth and social inclusion,
Capacity development
Press releases

Two world-class research-for-development centers will work to raise food production and...

tag iconCapacity development, Climate adaptation and mitigation,
Capacity development
Blogs News

Attended by over 1,300 smallholder farmers, the fourth edition of the...

tag iconCapacity development, Climate adaptation and mitigation,