Results for "climate change"
Fertilizer scarcity may hamper crop cycle, cautions scientist
Source: The Hindu (2 Sep 2022)
Food systems are under pressure due to climate change, COVID-19 and...
Excellence in Agronomy Initiative commences in Africa
CGIAR research centers are combining expertise and resource to increase farmers’...
Biological nitrogen fixation and prospects for ecological intensification in cereal-based cropping...
CIMMYT scientists seek alternatives to synthetic nitrogen using biological nitrogen fixation...
China to build international agricultural breeding center in Hainan
Source: Xinhua News (14 Jul 2022)
A letter of cooperation has been signed in China to signal...
Pakistan, India transboundary dialogue imperative to resolve Lahore’s pollution: Amin
Source: Daily Times (21 Nov 2021)
At COP26, Special Assistant to Pakistan's Prime Minister on Climate Change said...
Protecting plants will protect people and the planet
Understanding the relationship between climate change and plant health is key...
Capacitating farmers and development agents through radio
CIMMYT partnered with Ethiopia's Ministry of Agriculture, Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural...
7th Farming System Design Symposium: Webinar 4
Farming System Design (FSD7) Webinars on Capacity Development in Systems Research...
Kellogg’s proposes initiatives to improve the nutrition of Mexicans
Source: El Universal (16 Oct 2020)
CIMMYT and Kellogg partnership seeks to increase the productivity of land...
Latin America poised to lead the next 50 years in food...
CGIAR centers make strong case for Latin America as the best...
Cobs & Spikes podcast: What is conservation agriculture?
Sustainable farming method can increase resilience to climate change, protect biodiversity...
Wheat curl mites: What are they and how can we fight...
Entomologist Punya Nachappa explains wheat curl mites, the impact of climate...
ICARDA’s Mustapha El-Bouhssini explains how crop pests are moving in a...
Climate change will see pests moving countries and continents as conditions...
For a food system at risk, women are key yet often...
Our climate change-ravaged food systems cannot wait for the gradual progress...
With 30,000 surveys, researchers build the go-to dataset for smallholder farms
Source: (3 Mar 2020)
Survey tool can help farmers face challenges of climate change, food...