

tag icon Nutrition, health and food security

The developing world’s appetite for wheat is growing swiftly, driven in part by rising incomes, rapid urbanization and the expansion of families where both spouses work outside the house.


tag icon Capacity development

Tamaya Peressini’s project aimed to evaluate adult plant resistance to tan spot in wheat.


tag icon Capacity development

In 2018, we published more than 200 stories related to maize and wheat science around the world. Here are some of our favorites.


tag icon Innovations

Young farmer’s investment in a reaper saves him time, money and dignity, while helping others in the community.


tag icon Nutrition, health and food security

More productive, resilient varieties for thousands of farmers


tag icon Nutrition, health and food security

Mechanization could boost Ethiopian wheat production and provide youth with new job opportunities.

Press releases

tag icon Nutrition, health and food security

Annual imports now cost more than $600 million and expose national food security to global price shifts.


He was a pillar of the Rwanda Agriculture Board (RAB), with a well-recognized research track record in maize, cassava, and sweet potato.


tag icon Innovations

Dreisigacker works to discover and validate molecular markers, or DNA segments, for traits of interest.


tag icon Capacity development

Summer intern says her experience working with CIMMYT researchers in Turkey profoundly changed her career and her life.


tag icon Capacity development

More than 200 scientists have increased their capacity at these annual trainings since CIMMYT started organizing them ten years ago.