Successful surveillance results in early first detection of Ug99 in South Asia
The detection of a Ug99 race in Nepal highlights the effectiveness of the wheat rust surveillance and monitoring systems developed by CIMMYT and partners.
Bargaining for Better: How gender roles in household decision-making can impact crop disease resilience
A study by CIMMYT found a positive association between women’s role in household decisions concerning crop production and the adoption and turnover of rust-resistant wheat varieties.
PARC pioneered, climate resilient wheat varieties
Source: Lead Pakistan ()
The seminar on “Sino-Pak Wheat Genomics” showcased CIMMYT and CAAS China’s collaborative efforts to enhance wheat productivity with cutting-edge genomics.
Borlaug Global Rust Initiative announces 2024 Women in Triticum (WIT) awardees
The 2024 Women in Triticum Early Career Awards recognize early-career scientists for their advancements in wheat research and food security.
Pakistan-China wheat breeding cooperation ensures Pakistan’s food security, UN SDGs: experts
Source: Xinhua ()
The Pakistan-China partnership, with CIMMYT’s support, aims to improve wheat yield and quality in Pakistan, targeting sustainable agriculture and advancement towards the Sustainable Development Goals.
Accord of international center and Spanish cooperative seed supplier will bolster farmers’ access to climate-resilient wheat in the Mediterranean Basin
Wheat breeding lines that pass testing under Mediterranean heat and dry conditions are specially suited for rainfed farming around the Basin, including in North Africa.
Maria Itria Ibba presents award for research into improving nutrition in staple foods
Advancing wheat breeding through rapid marker-selectable trait introgression
CIMMYT’s commitment to excellence and precision is exemplified in the AGG WHEAT marker-selectable trait introgression. The journey from concept to reality—marked by the entry of 97 F5 lines into yield trials—signals a new era in wheat breeding.
Study links climate change with wheat blast; warns crop yield could drop by 75% in South America, Africa by 2050
Source: DownToEarth ()
CIMMYT’s study warns that climate change could cause wheat blast to reduce global wheat yields by 13% by 2050.
East African wheat breeding pipeline and E&SSA network
Genetic trials in the region will continue throughout 2024 and 2025 to establish a baseline for genetic gains and to enable the assessment of the breeding pipeline’s progress in the coming years.
Enhancing wheat breeding efficiency in South Asia through early germplasm access
Success stories witnessed in India, Pakistan, and Nepal underscore the transformative potential of this approach, offering a beacon of hope for agricultural communities in South Asia and beyond.
Building on fifty years of collaboration, a visit by Chinese politicians to CIMMYT in Mexico breeds new opportunities for tackling global agricultural challenges
Building on fifty years of collaboration, a visit by Chinese politicians to CIMMYT in Mexico breeds new opportunities for tackling global agricultural challenges.
STEM the gap: Scientists reflect on women’s increasing participation and visibility in STEM careers
At CIMMYT, women leaders and scientists work on the pressing issues of our times. They contribute as managers, economists, and scientists – breeders, soil experts, agronomists, GIS analysts, pathologists, etc. Every day they help CIMMYT deliver on its commitment: Science and Innovation for a Food and Nutrition Secure World.
Wheat blast spread globally under climate change modeled for the first time
Climate change: fungal disease endangers wheat production.