Research, innovation, partnerships, impact
Knowledge share fair highlights CGIAR contributions to the Ethiopian agriculture sector.
Space data applications for wheat and maize research
How can space technology help improve maize and wheat production? CIMMYT joined a group of international data users in a recent project to find out.
Biofortified maize and wheat can improve diets and health, new study shows
New varieties deliver essential micronutrients to those who lack diverse diets.
Wild wheat relative genes to aid in battle against trio of pests
Source: Phys.org (17 May 2019)
CIMMYT developed wheat lines to defend against pests by breeding durum wheat and Aegilops tauschii, a progenitor species of wheat.
MARPLE team recognized for international impact
Research team behind revolutionary field test for wheat disease wins prestigious BBSRC prize.
Using varieties and genetics to combat wheat production challenges
Source: Seed World (24 Apr 2019)
Hans-Joachim Braun and two other wheat experts discuss hurdles to international wheat production and the solutions that plant breeders have developed to combat these challenges.
Abdelfattah A. Dababat
To manage El Nino-related crop distress in eastern and southern Africa, invest in drought-tolerant seeds and better soil and water care
Government support vital for deploying climate-resilient seeds and practices, say agriculture experts
UQ licenses high-yield wheat variety
Source: Food Processing (16 Apr 2019)
Australian farmers to benefit from CIMMYT high-yielding, white-grained wheat.