Climate-proofing India’s daily bread: The race for resilient wheat
Source: Thomson Reuters Foundation ()
CIMMYT is key in developing climate-resilient wheat in India, boosting food security.
CIMMYT scientist recognized with research leader award
The Research.com Plant Science and Agronomy in Mexico Leader Award is given to Matthew Reynolds for his frequently cited research papers on wheat crop science.
Wheat cultivation in Africa at risk of fungal disease
Source: The Herald ()
A study warns that the wheat blast fungus could threaten 75% of Africa’s wheat, with CIMMYT aiding in mitigation efforts.
Building global capacity to combat wheat blast
In collaboration with ZARI and other partners, CIMMYT brought together wheat scientists, researchers, academics, policymakers, and extension agents to address the urgent threat of wheat blast across borders.
New heat-tolerant wheat varieties prove fruitful for Ethiopia’s irrigated lowlands
The release of new lines by the ADAPT-Wheat project will expand Ethiopia’s total farming area and wheat production by opening up lowland farming opportunities.
Re-imagining heat tolerance traits in wheat – part 2
Source: Seed Quest ()
CIMMYT and partners are developing heat-tolerant wheat varieties using advanced technologies.
New innovative crops could significantly reduce agriculture’s climate change impact and environmental footprint
The Novo Nordisk Foundation has awarded a grant of up to USD 21.1 million to CIMMYT for a groundbreaking initiative to mitigate the environmental impact of agriculture, by developing new wheat varieties that are capable of reducing agriculture’s nitrogen footprint. The CropSustaiN initiative could have sweeping implications for global food security and environmental sustainability.
CIMMYT and China join forces to tackle wheat disease in Africa
Experts from Chinese agricultural research organizations and CIMMYT partnered to deliver workshops for African scientists and breeders on mitigating the effects of wheat Fusarium head blight.
Rebel Seeds’ Borlaug gets Hard wheat classification
Source: Grain Central ()
Borlaug 100’s Australian Hard classification underscores CIMMYT’s role in developing resilient, high-yielding wheat varieties.
Enhanced radiation use efficiency and grain filling rate as the main drivers of grain yield genetic gains in the CIMMYT elite spring wheat yield trial
CIMMYT’s Wheat Breeding Program boosted grain yield by 0.96% annually at the Norman E. Borlaug Research Station in Mexico, showing global success and potential for further improvement.
Indian scientists visit Türkiye for soil and root health training program
As a part of CIMMYT’s Soil-borne Pathogens (SBP) program in Türkiye, a group of scientists and professors from Bihar, India, visited Türkiye to attend a training course on soil and root health. Participants embarked on a transformative journey driven by a shared passion for climate-resilient agriculture. Coordinated by the Borlaug Institute for South Asia (BISA), their mission unfolded across the picturesque landscapes of Türkiye, where they delved into the depths of soil and root health management.
Successful surveillance results in early first detection of Ug99 in South Asia
Source: AgNews ()
The early detection of the Ug99 wheat stem rust strain TTKTT in Nepal exemplifies the efficacy of global wheat disease surveillance efforts coordinated by CIMMYT and its partners.
Unlocking the power of collaboration in global wheat science
CIMMYT and NARS scientists exchange knowledge on wheat improvement efforts in Pakistan, Nepal, and India.
Arun K Joshi receives prestigious Sh. VS Mathur Memorial Award
The award recognizes Joshi’s outstanding contribution to wheat improvement in India.
Agricultural research adds billions of dollars to economy
Crop technology from CGIAR, including CIMMYT seed varieties, contributes US $47 billion each year to the global economy according to fresh analysis of six decades’ worth of data.