Combatting soil-borne pathogens and nematodes vital for food security
Environmental health and biodiversityImpressions from attendees of the VIII International Cereal Nematode Symposium.
Increasing yield gain in Afghanistan
Nutrition, health and food securityGenetic gain for yield in CIMMYT varieties distributed in Afghanistan shows an increase over a 14-year period.
Leading Norwich plant scientists call for action to mitigate food crisis
Nutrition, health and food securitySource: Eastern Daily Press (15 Oct 2022)
A tiered approach is needed to tackle food crises and wheat shortages triggered by the Ukraine-Russia crisis.
CIMMYT and China: A successful partnership since 1974
Capacity developmentThe CIMMYT–China collaboration over four decades has added some 10.7 million additional tons of wheat to China’s national wheat output.
Exploring the potential for scaling nutritious cereal-based foods
Nutrition, health and food securityCIMMYT’s agrifood systems research looks at how to better connect farmers to consumers in a sustainable way, allowing for higher benefits from farming and increased access to nutritious cereal-based food for consumers.
Forging collaborative ties from south to south
Nutrition, health and food securityWheat experts gather at the Second International Wheat Congress to discuss resilience and sustainability, aiming to increase collaboration in the advancement of the crop.
Nestlé Mexico and CIMMYT expand their collaboration for responsible sourcing through Plan Maíz
Climate adaptation and mitigationThe results of the Plan Maíz initiative were presented and, looking ahead, one of the goals is to ensure that 20% of the maize and wheat from this project is sourced through regenerative agriculture practices by 2025 and 50% by 2030.
Is uptake of rust-resistant wheat linked to gender equality?
Environmental health and biodiversityCIMMYT presents data to Tropentag on potential benefits of women participation in household decisions on crop farming and variety selection.
Annual Report 2021 launched
Capacity developmentCIMMYT discovers and validates new science, translates it into innovations, and scales them up for farmers and society.
Stepping up for South Asian women
Gender equality, youth and social inclusionThrough the CSISA project, CIMMYT is helping female farmers in Bangladesh, India, and Nepal to receive the recognition and opportunities they deserve.
Technology addresses gender inequality in wheat farming
Gender equality, youth and social inclusionMale and female farmers in Ethiopia and India face different challenges to accessing new wheat varieties, discovers CIMMYT researchers.
Drought and heat tolerance in bread wheat landraces
Climate adaptation and mitigationUsing technology often overlooked for analyzing genome qualities, scientists discover wheat landraces with resistance to the impacts of climate change.
Developing climate change resistant wheat
Climate adaptation and mitigationSource: CGTN (4 Oct 2022)
Climate change, particularly rising temperatures, are impacting on wheat yields. CIMMYT is working to develop new varieties with tolerance to the effects of climate change.
Expanding BISA expertise to new horizons in South Asia
Nutrition, health and food securitySenior government representatives from across South Asia join forces to consolidate food security in the region.
The right time for the right place
Nutrition, health and food securityZone-specific recommendations provide Afghan farmers with the best practices in wheat production for their region.