Sustainable agrifood systems
Maintaining a diverse landscape in maize- and wheat-based systems to ensure a nutritious diet
Agriculture ministers support policies to achieve Africa’s growth potential
East and Southern African countries need to formulate and implement appropriate policies to help smallholder farmers access technologies.
Supporting sustainable and scalable changes in cereal systems in South Asia
The rates of growth of staple crop yields in South Asia are insufficient to meet the projected demands in the region. With 40 percent of the world’s poor living in South Asia, the area composed of eastern India, Bangladesh and Nepal has the largest concentration of impoverished and food insecure people worldwide.
Yield gap analysis key to meeting future crop demand
The Global Yield Gap Atlas (GYGA) can help identify where major crop yields are not increasing fast enough to meet demand on existing farmland, and how farmers might close those gaps.
Drought-tolerant maize to the rescue as hunger threatens 1.5 million in Zimbabwe
CIMMYT and its partners are working to increase the productivity of maize-based farming systems to ensure food security and increase incomes.
Global conference underscores complex socio-economic role of wheat
A recent gathering of more than 600 scientists highlighted the complexity of wheat as a crop and emphasized the key role wheat research plays in ensuring global food security.
India visit: Dr. Martin Kropff, Director General, CIMMYT
Summary of CIMMYT Director General Martin Kropff visit to different research sites in several states of India, 28 September – 2 October, 2016.
RISING Voices interviews Frédéric Baudron
Africa RISING interviews Frédéric Baudron, systems agronomist at the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) in Ethiopia.
Empowering women in agriculture through SIMLESA
CIMMYT and the Agricultural Research Council (ARC) of South Africa host a five-day gender training workshop in Pretoria, South Africa.