Sustainable agrifood systems
MasAgro named a project transforming Mexico by leading university
The Sustainable Modernization of Traditional Agriculture (MasAgro) project was named as transforming Mexico by a leading university in the country.
NAAS fellow M.L. Jat talks climate change, sustainable agriculture
Senior Scientist M.L. Jat has received India’s National Academy of Agricultural Sciences fellowship in Natural Resource Management for his “outstanding contributions in developing and scaling” conservation agriculture-based management technologies.
Will we feed humanity by 2050?
Bram Govaerts, Leader of CIMMYT’s program on Sustainable Intensification in Latin America, presented at a keynote speech titled “Ending hunger: Can we achieve humanity’s elusive goal by 2050?” at the Oxford Farming Conference.
How to work with agricultural innovation systems
The CGIAR Research Program on MAIZE and the Royal Tropical Institute (KIT) of the Netherlands organized a workshop called “Designing projects focusing on agricultural innovation systems” in Wageningen, the Netherlands.
Conservation agriculture expert at Oxford Farming Conference
Bram Govaerts, strategic leader for Sustainable Intensification in Latin America and Latin America representative at CIMMYT makes keynote speech at Oxford Farming Conference.
Cereal systems initiative speeds growth of mechanized technologies in India, report shows
Major impacts of the Cereal Systems Initiative for South Asia program include success in increasing access to and affordability of modern farming technologies for smallholder farmers across India, according to a new report.
Gender bias may limit uptake of climate-smart farm practices, study shows
Farmer education programs that fail to address traditional gender roles may sideline women, limiting use of conservation agriculture techniques, reducing their ability to fight climate change.
Towards inclusive and sustainable grain marketing
CIMMYT’s MasAgro program organized its first forum on grain marketing titled on 9 November.
New findings on gender gap in conservation agriculture
Interview with Clare Stirling, co-author of a new paper, reveals almost no conservation agriculture studies consider gender and gender relations as a factor that may explain low adoption rates.