Sustainable agrifood systems


tag icon Nutrition, health and food security

CIMMYT economist Jason Donovan discusses the role of seed companies and food markets.


tag icon Nutrition, health and food security

Brown’s studies allowed him to develop novel mixed methods and participatory impact pathways to promote new farming practices, such as conservation agriculture, to smallholder farmers in Africa.


tag icon Innovations

CIMMYT has been researching the use of mobile apps to provide site-specific agronomic advice to farmers.


tag icon Climate adaptation and mitigation

Ten farmers in a hot and dry area of Zimbabwe trial intercropping legumes and green manure cover crops alongside their maize, to assess their impact on soil fertility.


tag icon Innovations

MARPLE (Mobile And Real-time PLant disEase) is a portable testing lab which could help speed-up the identification of devastating wheat rust diseases in Africa.


tag icon Capacity development

An increasing number of youth across eastern and southern Africa are creating a stable living as entrepreneurs in agricultural mechanization service provision.

Press releases

tag icon Nutrition, health and food security

The award supports initiatives that tackle food security challenges in Mexico through long-term solutions.


tag icon Capacity development

The manual gives practical guidance for service providers in rural areas, where family farmers commonly lack capital to invest in farm power.