Sustainable agrifood systems


tag icon Climate adaptation and mitigation

New scientific research into ā€œlayeringā€ climate smart agriculture techniques shows promise, demonstrating the potential for crop adaptability to climate change.


tag icon Climate adaptation and mitigation

In this interview, IvƔn Ortƭz-Monasterio, expert on sustainable intensification and wheat crop management, discusses the overuse of nitrogen fertilizer and related consequences, his experience with farmers, and his outlook for the future.


tag icon Capacity development

This March, the Borlaug Institute of South Asia (BISA) held an international workshop on enhancing Nitrogen use efficiency in wheat using the combined approach of breeding and precision agronomy in Ladhowal, Punjab.

Maize Quality Specialist

Principal Cropping Systems Agronomist

tag icon Gender equality, youth and social inclusion
Principal Scientist / Lead Economist

Principal Scientist

Senior Economist

Senior Scientist and Country Representative for Nepal

Senior Scientist

tag icon Climate adaptation and mitigation
Country Representative for Research and Partnerships and Systems Agronomist

Geographic Information System Laboratory Manager

tag icon Nutrition, health and food security

As part of the efforts of the Sustainable Modernization of Traditional Agriculture program aimed at improving food security based on maize landraces in marginal areas of the state of Oaxaca, Mexico