Sustainable agrifood systems


tag icon Climate adaptation and mitigation

Joint team recognized for their work on rice residue management using the Super Straw Management System, or Super SMS.


tag icon Capacity development

Projects are looking at scaling strategies to go beyond the numbers reached within a project and include sustainability and transformation.


tag icon Nutrition, health and food security

The developing world’s appetite for wheat is growing swiftly, driven in part by rising incomes, rapid urbanization and the expansion of families where both spouses work outside the house.


tag icon Innovations

Resource-poor farmers worldwide stand to gain from developments in the field of crop modelling.


tag icon Environmental health and biodiversity

A new study explores how conservation agriculture in southern Africa supports spider populations and diversity, which could help mitigate pest damage.


tag icon Innovations

Trials of the Nutrient Expert app showed improved yields, fertilizer-use efficiency and increased profits for farmers.


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The AWARD program advocates for a more gender-responsive agricultural research ecosystem.


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Researchers use the Photovoice methodology to better understand weed management practices.


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Dubbed the “Uber for the farm”, Hello Tractor’s app easily allows tractor owners to rent their machinery to farmers and to improve business and operations.


tag icon Capacity development

Fazleen Abdul Fatah notes that few studies document shifts between cereals.


tag icon Innovations

A dialogue in New Delhi facilitated discussion on innovations for promoting balanced application of macro and micro nutrient fertilizers in Indian agriculture.


tag icon Capacity development

In 2018, we published more than 200 stories related to maize and wheat science around the world. Here are some of our favorites.


tag icon Innovations

Young farmer’s investment in a reaper saves him time, money and dignity, while helping others in the community.


tag icon Nutrition, health and food security

Conservation agriculture has potential to conserve soils, improve yields and limit environmental impacts.


tag icon Climate adaptation and mitigation

He is one of the lead authors of the “Special Report on Climate Change and Land” of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).