Sustainable agrifood systems
MARPLE team recognized for international impact
Research team behind revolutionary field test for wheat disease wins prestigious BBSRC prize.
Fact sheet debunking labor and mechanization myths presented in Zimbabwe
Research shows African farming households are far more dependent on hire labor markets, and much more inclined to hire mechanization services, than previously thought.
Book launch: Lead farmers in eastern and southern Africa
A new book draws on experiences of men and women farmers across eastern and southern Africa who bravely embraced change to improve their farming methods and the lives and livelihoods of their families.
Transforming African agriculture through mechanization
Source: The Nigerian Voice (3 May 2019)
The FACASI project has benefited over a hundred young people from Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania and Zimbabwe.
Policy outreach to mainstream SIMLESA learning: Q&A with Paswel Marenya
After eight years of project learning, reflections on what conservation agriculture means for African smallholder farmers, the dialogue between scientists and policy makers, and next steps.
New publications: Small businesses, potentially large impacts
The role of fertilizer traders as agricultural extension agents in Bangladesh.
New study identifies best agronomic practices to reduce fall armyworm damage
Good weed management, conservation agriculture, and use of manure and compost are recommended to help control fall armyworm in Africa.
To manage El Nino-related crop distress in eastern and southern Africa, invest in drought-tolerant seeds and better soil and water care
Government support vital for deploying climate-resilient seeds and practices, say agriculture experts