Sustainable agrifood systems
Seed production innovations, conservation agriculture and partnerships are key for Africa’s food security
Partner field days in Kenya presented sustainable solutions to crop threats and innovations in seed and agronomy.
Embracing change: How family farmers can face the future
CABI’s CEO Trevor Nicholls and CIMMYT’s Director General Martin Kropff analyze the challenges and opportunities for family farmers in the next decade.
Digitalizing African agriculture: paving the way to Africa’s progress through transforming the agriculture sector
AGRF 2019 discussed digital transformation as key driver of sustainable food systems in Africa.
New publications: Exploring how women seize control of wheat–maize technologies in Bangladesh
An agricultural organization led by indigenous Santal women is also benefiting low-income Muslim women.
Study proposes alternative to conventional technology adoption research in smallholder agriculture
An alternative conceptual framework uses a process-oriented approach to understand technological change that focuses more on the agency of different social actors in the agricultural system.
CIMMYT research at the forefront of the digital revolution in African agriculture
New leaflet highlights digital innovations for Africa as researchers share insights at the African Green Revolution Forum 2019.
Nepal’s seed sector partners join forces to realize the National Seed Vision 2013-2025
Halfway into Nepal’s 12-year plan to boost seed systems, partners review progress and plan the best way to meet targets.
From tinkering mechanic to manufacturing genius
Source: Dhaka Tribune (17 Aug 2019)
USAID-funded CIMMYT and iDE project helped young mechanic develop the market for his locally-manufactured machines.
Using the MARPLE kit to diagnose wheat rust in Ethiopia
The mobile kit will allow Ethiopia to quickly identify wheat rust strains in 48 hours, instead of sending samples to labs abroad.
New drought monitoring system will reduce climate risks for South Asian farmers
After Afghanistan, Nepal, and Pakistan, the Regional Drought Monitoring and Outlook System extends its coverage to Bangladesh.
Happy Seeder can reduce air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions while making profits for farmers
The average farmer who uses the Happy Seeder can generate up to 20% more profits than those who burn their fields, according to a new study published in Science.
Alternatives to burning can increase Indian farmers’ profits and cut pollution, new study shows
Published in Science, the article provides evidence for national policies that block stubble burning and promote no-till mechanization to manage crop residues.
CIMMYT and CGIAR staff join Ethiopia’s record-breaking tree-planting campaign
People across the country planted more than 350 million trees in a day to fight deforestation and climate change.
Cobs & Spikes podcast: Interview with Juan Gonzalo Jaramillo Mejia on social inclusion
Taking a social inclusion lens to social protection and the role of men in gender equality.