Sustainable agrifood systems

Press releases

tag icon Climate adaptation and mitigation

New analysis shows benefits of conservation agriculture to crop performance, water efficiency and climate action in South Asia.


tag icon Nutrition, health and food security

Entomologist and CIMMYT partner Mike Smith explains the importance of documenting the economic value of crop pest research.


tag icon Gender equality, youth and social inclusion

The number of the world’s hungry could double and trade restrictions will harm food importing nations, experts say.


tag icon Climate adaptation and mitigation

Through new project, tools and insurance services will help small farmers in eastern Africa reduce investment risks and losses related to climate.


tag icon Gender equality, youth and social inclusion

The Scaling Up community of practice discusses challenges and opportunities for an improved “new normal” for agriculture, research and development.

In the media

tag icon Environmental health and biodiversity

Source: Plantopia (9 Apr 2020)

CIMMYT senior scientist Dave Hodson discusses striking parallels between wheat rust and global human epidemics on new podcast.


tag icon Environmental health and biodiversity

Experts share their insights on the link between biodiversity loss and emerging infectious diseases.


tag icon Capacity development

Stakeholders work together to strengthen systems for detecting, mitigating and managing the invasion of the destructive pest.

Project Manager

tag icon Nutrition, health and food security

What do wholegrain foods look like around the world?


tag icon Capacity development

CIMMYT and partners revise Nepal’s seed science and technology curriculum, so university graduates are better equipped to join the industry’s work force.


tag icon Capacity development

Small-scale agricultural mechanization service provision model supports women’s empowerment in the Ethiopian agriculture sector.


tag icon Innovations

Web app helps extension agents and farmers monitor the spread of fall armyworm.


tag icon Environmental health and biodiversity

New blog published by the Chicago Council on Global Affairs argues that balancing food security, rural livelihoods, water for agriculture and air quality need not be a zero-sum game.

Regional Representative for Africa and Country Representative for Kenya