Sustainable agrifood systems
Arms Race Part 1: Ug99
Environmental health and biodiversitySource: Plantopia (9 Apr 2020)
CIMMYT senior scientist Dave Hodson discusses striking parallels between wheat rust and global human epidemics on new podcast.
Safeguarding biodiversity is essential to prevent the next COVID-19
Environmental health and biodiversityExperts share their insights on the link between biodiversity loss and emerging infectious diseases.
Collective efforts to fight fall armyworm in Nepal
Capacity developmentStakeholders work together to strengthen systems for detecting, mitigating and managing the invasion of the destructive pest.
From popcorn to roti
Nutrition, health and food securityWhat do wholegrain foods look like around the world?
Ready for the seed sector
Capacity developmentCIMMYT and partners revise Nepal’s seed science and technology curriculum, so university graduates are better equipped to join the industry’s work force.
Shared responsibilities and equal economic benefits
Capacity developmentSmall-scale agricultural mechanization service provision model supports women’s empowerment in the Ethiopian agriculture sector.
Crowdsourced data feeds fall armyworm surveillance in Bangladesh
InnovationsWeb app helps extension agents and farmers monitor the spread of fall armyworm.
Systems thinking at work in South Asia’s food production
Environmental health and biodiversityNew blog published by the Chicago Council on Global Affairs argues that balancing food security, rural livelihoods, water for agriculture and air quality need not be a zero-sum game.
For a food system at risk, women are key yet often overlooked
Gender equality, youth and social inclusionOur climate change-ravaged food systems cannot wait for the gradual progress of gender quality.
Equal and climate-smart
Climate adaptation and mitigationWomen in Malawi are inspiring the next generation of smallholder farmers to adopt climate-smart technologies.