Sustainable agrifood systems
Cereal grain harvesting and post-harvest machinery in Nepal
National value chain study presents an overview of the countryâs maize, wheat and rice harvesting equipment, from manufacturing and imports to farm-level service provision.
Bangladesh could largely reduce greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture while increasing efficiency in production
Farmers could save costs and contribute to climate mitigation by adopting easy-to-access farming methods like better nitrogen management, intermittent irrigation, and strip tillage, study shows.
La Agricultura de ConservaciĂłn, una oportunidad para afrontar los retos presentes y futuros de la agricultura
Source: AgroinformaciĂłn (22 Jun 2021)
At the 8th World Congress on Conservation Agriculture, Martin Kropff argued that “agriculture cannot take a toll on the environment”, praising conservation agriculture for its contribution to building resilience to drought.
Hybrid seed production and marketing advances
Fostering private sector engagement to develop and scale locally-produced hybrids seeds in Nepal.
Improve rural womenâs financial access to help solve hunger
Gender equity is one of the best solutions for hunger. Why? The numbers speak for themselves.
From science to impact: a chat with women scientists at CIMMYT
Martin Kropff sits down with scientists involved in maize breeding, wheat quality and crop data to discuss their successes and passion behind the work that they do to help CIMMYT and CGIAR reach the Sustainable Development Goals.
New integrated methodology supports inclusive and resilient global food systems transformation
CGIAR centers present methodology for transforming resource-constrained, polluting and vulnerable farming into inclusive, sustainable and resilient food systems that deliver healthy and affordable diets for all within planetary boundaries.
Beneficial bioactives
Donât discount the contribution cereals can make to combatting micronutrient malnutrition, say researchers.
Mapping the way to lower nitrous oxide emissions
A new study identifies global emissions and mitigation hotspots ripe for more efficient nitrogen use in maize and wheat production.
A view from above
CIMMYT scientists use high-powered drones and space satellite imagery to accelerate crop improvement, fight pests and diseases and help farmers make better crop management decisions.
Buying into new seed
A mock shop helps researchers understand how Kenyan farmers choose maize seed when their preferred varieties are out of stock.
How biodiversity conservation can help manage future pandemics â for plants and for humans
Source: The Counter (21 May 2021)
Dave Hodson discusses why conservation may be the key to our survival.
MĂ©xico y EU establecen estrategia conjunta a favor de la seguridad alimentaria
Source: El Sol de MĂ©xico (16 May 2021)
Mexico’s Secretariat of Agriculture and Rural Development (SADER) and its counterpart in the United States reached an agreement to promote knowledge sharing and scientific collaboration on agriculture-related issues.
CIMMTT, alimentando al mundo
Source: El Sol de MĂ©xico (4 May 2021)
An op-ed published in El Sol de MĂ©xico recognizes CIMMYT’s contribution to tackling food insecurity through improved nutrient-rich, high-yielding varieties and sustainable agronomic practices.
México se consolida como el tercer productor agropecuario de América Latina
Source: El Sol de MĂ©xico (29 Apr 2021)
During the presentation of Mexico’s 2021 Agri-Food Expectations, Bram Govaerts, Director General of CIMMYT, flagged a number of initiatives aimed at supporting the country’s food self-sufficiency.