Sustainable agrifood systems
Sustainability of rice production in the Northwestern Indo-Gangetic Plains
Scientists determine nitrogen use could be reduced without impacting rice yields for sustainability of rice production in Northwestern Indo-Gangetic Plains.
Combining improved seed varieties and index insurance to address drought losses
Source: VoxDev (5 Nov 2022)
Paswel Marenya, Adoption and Impact Assessment Economist at CIMMYT, explains on a podcast how bundling genetic and financial technologies can make small-scale agriculture more resilient and productive.
Smallholder farmers embrace climate-smart seed and mechanization fairs
Around one thousand farmers flocked to a recent two-day climate-smart seed and mechanization fair in Zimbabwe’s Masvingo district, signaling strong interest in these two climate adaptation strategies.
A renewed CGIAR can better support South Asia to determine its food future
Source: Mongabay (13 Dec 2022)
Temina Lalani-Shariff, Regional Director of South Asia at CGIAR, explains CGIAR is evolving so that it can continue to be the scientific partner of choice for national research institutes and governments.
How does physical disturbance of soil impact carbon mineralization?
A study on the physical disturbance of soil shows that it drives changes in soil properties and affects soil microbial activity.
Inspiring future generations of scientists
The Global Food Security Forum for Young Scientists, hosted at Huazhong Agricultural University in China and virtually around the world, highlights cutting-edge agricultural research.
Using ENM principles to preserve soil health
Scientists recommend alternative methods for preventing soil degradation that can contribute towards attaining food security.
Public-private collaboration to improve fertilizer supply
CIMMYT collaborates with the Fertilizer Association of Nepal to facilitate stakeholder dialogue and address national fertilizer shortage.
CIMMYT crop scientist shares strategies for decolonization
Sieglinde Snapp has contributed her approaches to improving inclusivity in the biosciences.
Participatory action research identifies solutions for improved seed storage in Bangladesh
Wheat farmers in Bangladesh have participated in the design and management of research trials to determine the best wheat seed storage options for their conditions.
CIMMYT leads innovation sprint to deliver results to farmers rapidly
Climate-resilient soil fertility management by smallholders in Africa, Asia, and Latin America.
Food systems that work for people and the environment
Climate change requires us to think differently about protecting nature while ensuring food security is a reality for all.
Plant breeding must adapt to climate change, finds study
The goals for breeding new crops have been changed by the rising demands for climate-ready crops, originating from the urgent need to adapt to climate change.
Catch up on presentations from CIMMYT scientists and researchers at COP27, held between November 6-18.