Sustainable agrifood systems


tag icon Capacity development

CIMMYT discovers and validates new science, translates it into innovations, and scales them up for farmers and society.


tag icon Gender equality, youth and social inclusion

Through the CSISA project, CIMMYT is helping female farmers in Bangladesh, India, and Nepal to receive the recognition and opportunities they deserve.


tag icon Climate adaptation and mitigation

Reducing the gender gap in Ethiopian farming households can enhance climate change adaptation by female-headed households by almost 19%.


tag icon Nutrition, health and food security

CIMMYT explains how the world can protect agrifood systems from market shocks, such as the conflict in Ukraine, to prevent food insecurity.


tag icon Innovations

CIMMYT and its partners are helping farmers branch out into business to improve crop yield and create job opportunities in their communities.


tag icon Nutrition, health and food security

To alleviate malnutrition associated with essential amino acids, QPM development and deployment should be further proliferated to reach a large number of consumers.

tag icon Capacity development
Research Coordinator

tag icon Innovations

Jawoo Koo, IFPRI, and Andrea Gardeazabal, CIMMYT, explain how smallholders in Africa, Asia and Latin America will benefit from the CGIAR Initiative for Digital Innovation.


tag icon Innovations

Successful testing of phone-based groundwater monitoring in the Nepal Terai was described at World Water Week in Stockholm.

In the media

tag icon Nutrition, health and food security

Source: MarketWatch (23 Sep 2022)

Models of funding for agricultural research and development (R&D) need to adapt in order for the world to meet current challenges to agrifood systems.

In the media

tag icon Climate adaptation and mitigation

Source: Des Moines Register (25 Sep 2022)

Cary Fowler, US Special Envoy for Global Food Security, mentions CIMMYT as one example of institutions “contributing significantly to global food security.”


tag icon Capacity development

CIMMYT’s Board of Trustees were impressed with MasAgro’s outcomes in Mexico and its potential for replication in Africa.

In the media

tag icon Environmental health and biodiversity

Source: Opportimes (22 Sep 2022)

Grupo Bimbo and CIMMYT partnership aims to improve regenerative agricultural practices for wheat and maize in Mexico.


tag icon Climate adaptation and mitigation

Soil health and water infrastructure measures needed to restore wheat production in Pakistan, in rural communities devastated by major flooding.