Sustainable agrifood systems
Scaling Scan website launched
New website offers one stop shop for scaling agricultural innovations.
Tracking the development and reach of CIMMYT’s climate research
Researchers provide data-driven approach to systematically analyze the production and diffusion of knowledge on food systems and climate change.
Farmers in Zimbabwe embrace agroecology
In the Mbire and Murehwa districts of Zimbabwe, smallholder farmers are being introduced to agroecology interventions as part of a CGIAR Initiative.
Mexico Agriculture: Thrive on the Shift from Efficiency to Resiliency
Source: AgNews (29 Dec 2022)
CIMMYT Director General Bram Govaerts looks at challenges facing Mexican and global agricultural systems.
For women in Ivory Coast, processing cassava no longer has to be a grind
Mechanical grinders and presses are transforming cassava production in Ivory Coast and empowering women.
Improved nitrogen use can boost tomato yields
Scientists research whether nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) and tomato production in Nepal can be improved with better utilization of nitrogen fertilizer.
Rear fish in a rice paddy? Old ways can future-proof food production
Source: South China Morning Post (18 Dec 2022)
CGIAR scientists share the importance of testing new research models for integrated aquatic and terrestrial production systems.
How a policy to address a groundwater shortage inadvertently increased air pollution in northern India
Source: Tech and Science Post (15 Dec 2022)
The seemingly small shift in the planting season had a cascading effect that delayed the fire season by about two weeks and exacerbated air pollution.