Sustainable agrifood systems


tag icon Environmental health and biodiversity

Inaugural Rwanda National Seed Congress paves the way for sustainable seed industry growth.


tag icon Climate adaptation and mitigation

Innovation Systems Scientist
In the media

tag icon Climate adaptation and mitigation

Source: Mongabay (28 Aug 2023)

CIMMYT research, Prasanna Boddupalli, emphasise the importance of reorienting food production systems and agricultural policy across the Congo Basin.

Agriculture Research Associate

tag icon Climate adaptation and mitigation

Supporting a gradual, step-wise adoption of conservation agriculture — along with livestock and residue management, use of new crops and improved varieties, and appropriate mechanization — appears promising.

Postdoc Fellow, Agricultural and Development Economist

Geospatial Analyst

Market System Coordinator

Scientist - Adoption, Scaling and Innovation Systems

ICT and Data Analyst

tag icon Environmental health and biodiversity
Senior Research Associate

tag icon Climate adaptation and mitigation

The Mexican government-supported research-for-rural development initiative MasAgro has raised maize and wheat yields and farm profitability while mitigating farmers’ risk and agriculture’s ecological and climate impacts.

Monitoring & Evaluation Analyst

tag icon Gender equality, youth and social inclusion
Agriculture Specialist