Sustainable agrifood systems


tag icon Capacity development

In Tanzania, community champions like Venansia Swale play a fundamental role in encouraging the adoption of improved seeds and increasing yields for smallholder farmers.

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tag icon Innovations

Source: The World Bank ()

The SADCP in Angola, backed by CIMMYT, significantly boosted food security and incomes for 179,000 farmers by enhancing crop yields and sales through innovative farming practices from 2016 to 2022.


tag icon Gender equality, youth and social inclusion

In Mozambique, women spearhead efforts to enhance soybean yields with improved agronomic practices, yielding community-wide benefits.

In the media

tag icon Gender equality, youth and social inclusion

Source: The Mirror ()

CIMMYT participated in a Mwenezi business expo aimed at empowering youth through entrepreneurial projects.

In the media

tag icon Innovations

Source: City Air News ()

CIMMYT and Punjab Agricultural University explored collaborative ventures to advance agriculture.


tag icon Climate adaptation and mitigation

Premised on sharing best practices and charting a way forward towards harnessing appropriate scale mechanization, CIMMYT led an engaging meeting with key stakeholders in Zambia.

In the media

tag icon Climate adaptation and mitigation

Source: DownToEarth ()

CIMMYT’s study warns that climate change could cause wheat blast to reduce global wheat yields by 13% by 2050.


tag icon Environmental health and biodiversity

Success stories witnessed in India, Pakistan, and Nepal underscore the transformative potential of this approach, offering a beacon of hope for agricultural communities in South Asia and beyond.

In the media

tag icon Innovations

Source: daily observer ()

The collaboration between CIMMYT, RWMRC, and the Krishi Gobeshona Foundation aims to revolutionize lentil production in Rajshahi, Bangladesh.


tag icon Capacity development

AID-I conducted a community sensitization to connect Zambian farmers with existing mobile networks that provide agricultural and climate data.

In the media

tag icon Capacity development

Source: Mexico Business News ()

CIMMYT advances agricultural mechanization to boost smallholder farming, targeting efficiency and inclusivity.

In the media

tag icon Nutrition, health and food security

Source: Charmar News ()

CIMMYT, in partnership with NaSARRI and stakeholders, is pioneering a project in Uganda to biofortify sorghum with iron and zinc to reduce malnutrition in East Africa.


tag icon Capacity development

A workshop brings together scientists to share the latest innovations in conservation agriculture to benefit smallholder farmers and reduce the effects of climate change on food production.


tag icon Climate adaptation and mitigation

CIMMYT promoted ways to lessen climate shocks, especially for smallholder farmers who inordinately suffer the effects of climate change, including rising temperatures and extended droughts.