Innovations for development
Excellence in Agronomy Initiative commences in Africa
CGIAR research centers are combining expertise and resource to increase farmers’ yields in a sustainable way and build risk resilience against climate change.
Earlier wheat planting will boost yields in eastern India
Adjusting the sowing dates for wheat in eastern India will increase untapped potential production by 69%, new research shows, helping to ensure food security and farm profitability as the planet warms.
Ecological farming a boon for staple crop farmers in Africa, new study finds
Cropping diversity, soil-enriching crops, and adding organic material to soils can boost food-crop yields for farmers who can’t apply fertilizer.
Researchers plan transformation of agrifood systems in South Asia
CGIAR Initiative will put nutrition first, to increase access to sustainable healthy diets, and will work with partners across the production-to-consumption spectrum.
Harnessing Appropriate-Scale Farm Mechanization in Zimbabwe (HAFIZ)
New CSISA Infographic highlights the impact of the CIMMYT’s Soil Intelligence System (SIS)
SIS currently implemented in three states in India helps generate robust soil health data to support soil management and agriculture interventions.