Innovations for development
Visiting Chinese scholar devoted to agricultural research in Mexico
Source: XinhuaNet ()
Exposing the potential of agricultural mechanization in India and Bangladesh
CSISA-MEA, with support from USAID, organized exposure visits to India for Bangladeshi farmers to encourage environmentally friendly practices and business expansion among ABLE enterprises.
CIMMYT wheat varieties help Ethiopia’s farmers mitigate devastating rust diseases
Ethiopia leads East Africa in wheat production, with 65% of sub-Saharan Africa’s share, through improved practices and varieties developed by CIMMYT.
How K-State research feeds the world
Source: Seek Research Magazine ()
CIMMYT collaborates with Jared Crain, former director of the Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Applied Wheat Genomics.
Wheat DEWAS to expand its wheat pathogen surveillance system project to East Africa, South Asia
Source: Farmers Review Africa (2 Nov 2023)
Connecting rural Nepalese farmers to the market through Interactive Voice Response (IVR) service
Source: ComDev Asia (26 Nov 2023)
Transformative UK-CGIAR Partnership Announced at the Global Food Summit 2023
Source: Alliance Bioversity & CIAT (23 Nov 2023)
New partnership between the CGIAR and the British Government.
EU-funded project refurbishes Gwanda veterinary lab, boosting livestock disease control
Source: The Free Library (22 Nov 2023)
The LIPS-ZIM program to enhance livestock productivity and control diseases affecting smallholder farmers.
Response of African sorghum genotypes for drought tolerance under variable environments
Scientists revealed a vast diversity in the genetic resources of sorghum and provided a pathway for selecting promising genotypes for regions prone to drought in sub-Saharan Africa.
Chewing over the future of global food security
CIMMYT Director General, Bram Govaerts, emphasizes the global food security challenges and applauds China’s efforts to address them.
CIMMYT Ethiopia signs MoU with key private food processor to bolster durum wheat market
CIMMYT Ethiopia aiming to reinvigorate durum wheat production in the country to address market challenges faced by farmers.
EU-funded project refurbishes Gwanda veterinary lab, boosting livestock disease control
Source: CITE (3 Nov 2023)
CIMMYT collaborates to enhance disease control for livestock, assisting smallholder farmers.
Empowering women smallholder farmers in Africa with climate-resilient and nutritious maize varieties
CIMMYT-NARES regional maize breeding networks empower farmers, especially women, to ensure food security in the face of climate change.