Inclusive value chains
Who benefits?
Study explores whether modern maize storage structures offer equal benefits to women and men farmers in Kenya, Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe.
Scientific opportunities and challenges
First meetings of the AGG Science and Technical Steering Committees generate insights and recommendations for optimizing breeding schemes.
New publications: Voicing demand for farm power
Study explores how gender norms and intra-household dynamics shape women’s demand articulation for labor-saving technologies.
Reaching women with improved maize and wheat
The new AGG project aims to respond to the climate emergency and gender nexus through gender-intentional product profiles for its improved seed varieties and gender-intentional seed delivery pathways.
New publications: Power, agency and benefits among women and men maize farmers
Income-generating benefits of improved maize varieties hampered by patriarchal gender norms in rural Nigeria.
Lessons for gender in seed systems
Workshop participants exchange ideas on expanding opportunities for women in the seed sector.
Women farmers emerging as decision-makers, innovators in wheat-based systems: Study
Source: Down to Earth (17 Jul 2020)
Study finds that women in India adopt specific strategies to further their interests in the context of wheat-based livelihoods.
New publications: From working in the fields to taking control
New study presents a typology of women’s decision-making in wheat in India.
New publications: Gender differentiated small-scale farm mechanization in Nepal hills
Adoption of mini-tiller is significantly lower in female-headed households, CIMMYT researchers find.
In the best possible taste
Researchers in Kenya and Uganda are incorporating sensory preferences like taste, smell or texture into maize breeding.
CIMMYT and Pakistan: 60 years of collaboration
New fact sheet captures the impact of six decades of maize and wheat research in Pakistan.
For a food system at risk, women are key yet often overlooked
Our climate change-ravaged food systems cannot wait for the gradual progress of gender quality.
Four ways of strengthening gender equality in the agricultural sector in the MENA region
Experts note that policies alone are not enough — they need to go hand in hand with strong initiatives to make agriculture a safer, more equal and respectful space for both women and men.