Demand-driven seed systems
Another food crisis?
The Russia-Ukraine conflict will cause massive disruptions to global wheat supply and food security. Agricultural research investments are the basis of resilient agri-food systems and a food-secure future.
Supporting the growth of local maize seed industries: Lessons from Mexico
Small local seed businesses are considered key to getting new maize hybrids into farmersâ hands and, Â ultimately, to meeting global food security goals. MasAgro, a partnership between CIMMYT and Mexicoâs Department of Agriculture, offers key insights into what has worked and some major challenges that remain.
Food Is Just as Vital as Oil to National Security
Source: Bloomberg (7 Mar 2022)
A new Bloomberg op-ed urges nations to steer more money to organizations like CIMMYT that are advancing crucial research on how to grow more resilient wheat and maize crops in regions that are becoming steadily less arable.
What price wheat?
Crisis in Ukraine underscores the need for long-term solutions for global food security.
New research highlights opportunities to deepen engagement with private sector for increasing impact from cereal breeding
Contributions reflect the breadth of perspectives and expertise within CGIAR and beyond, calling for more demand-oriented variety development and seed delivery.
Govt mulling mechanization to boost jute production
Source: Dhaka Tribune (29 Sep 2021)
Bangladesh wants to expand the work of the Cereal Systems Initiative for South Asia-Mechanization Extension Activity (CSISA-MEA) project in Bogra, Jessore, Faridpur and Coxâs Bazar to the rest of the country.
Buying into new seed
A mock shop helps researchers understand how Kenyan farmers choose maize seed when their preferred varieties are out of stock.
MĂ©xico y EU establecen estrategia conjunta a favor de la seguridad alimentaria
Source: El Sol de MĂ©xico (16 May 2021)
Mexico’s Secretariat of Agriculture and Rural Development (SADER) and its counterpart in the United States reached an agreement to promote knowledge sharing and scientific collaboration on agriculture-related issues.
México se consolida como el tercer productor agropecuario de América Latina
Source: El Sol de MĂ©xico (29 Apr 2021)
During the presentation of Mexico’s 2021 Agri-Food Expectations, Bram Govaerts, Director General of CIMMYT, flagged a number of initiatives aimed at supporting the country’s food self-sufficiency.
Taking stock of value chain development
Assessing the approachâs potential and limitations for strengthening the livelihoods of the rural poor, a new book draws conclusions applicable across the development field.
Scientific opportunities and challenges
First meetings of the AGG Science and Technical Steering Committees generate insights and recommendations for optimizing breeding schemes.
Critical reflections on COVID-19
FAO-led assessment details the pandemicâs impact on agri-food systems in Bangladesh and outlines possible recovery strategies.
Gauging the impact of COVID-19 lockdown on farming communities and agribusinesses in Nepal
A survey conducted by CIMMYT researchers collected insights from over 200 key value-chain market actors.
Concerned experts ask world leaders to head off a global food security crisis from COVID-19
The number of the worldâs hungry could double and trade restrictions will harm food importing nations, experts say.
One-minute science: Trent Blare and blue maize products
Consumers near Mexico City perceived blue maize tortillas to taste better. They were willing to pay up to a third more to buy them for special family events or to consume them in restaurants.