Breeding for the traits of tomorrow
New survey identifies opportunities for redesigning crop varieties to win the race between climate change and food security.
CIMMYT director general gains insights into breeding activities at Kiboko research facility
In a recent visit to KALRO facilities in Kiboko, Kenya, CIMMYT commits to advancing the deployment of climate-resilient maize varieties in eastern and southern Africa.
The world must act to avert a climate-induced food shortage, cautions Cary Fowler. CIMMYT has a strategy to strengthen agrifood systems.
Cary Fowler, U.S. special envoy for food security, warns of dire consequences if the international community fails to act to mitigate climate change impacts on agrifood systems. The CIMMYT 2030 Strategy holds the approach to respond and mitigate some of the worst effects of this looming crisis.
Preventing nitrogen loss in maize
CIMMYT and JIRCAS research aims to identify the mechanisms plants use to mitigate nitrogen losses.
Realizing the Potential of Neglected Crops in Latin America
CIMMYT highlights the value of neglected crops in Latin America through new methodologies and initiatives.
Harnessing new high-resolution satellite imagery to plant breeding
New study by CIMMYT researchers shows how multi-temporal, high-resolution satellite images can be used effectively to monitor breeding maize and wheat breeding plots in diverse environments.
Smallholder Mexican farmers adopt resource-conserving innovations: slowly and in bits
Supporting a gradual, step-wise adoption of conservation agriculture — along with livestock and residue management, use of new crops and improved varieties, and appropriate mechanization — appears promising.
A Mexican farm research program gains praise and interest for use abroad
The Mexican government-supported research-for-rural development initiative MasAgro has raised maize and wheat yields and farm profitability while mitigating farmers’ risk and agriculture’s ecological and climate impacts.
Hard work pays off
Young Nepalese farmers look towards prosperous futures in agriculture.
CIMMYT releases 32 new elite maize lines
CIMMYT maize lines CML616A to CML647A have diverse trait combinations and are suitable for tropical/subtropical maize production environments.
Technical support for sustainable maize and associated crops production in Iguala
Three sisters and 120 sweet potatoes: Mexican farmers embrace Maya traditions
Source: The Guardian (10 Jul 2023)
Maíz Criollo Kantunil, a group of farmers and agro-ecologists, has successfully reintroduced three varieties of native maize using seeds supplied by the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT).