Seed health
Consider the seed
The second installment in the CGIAR International Year of Plant Health Webinar Series tackles the often-overlooked issue of germplasm health.
Prevention is better than cure
Amos Alakonya talks pests, procedure, and why everyone should be concerned about seed health.
A new beginning for CIMMYT’s Seed Health Unit
CIMMYT recognizes the work and leadership of Monica Mezzalama.
Breaking Ground: Monica Mezzalama keeps vital check on seed health and biosafety
Plant pathology expert Monica Mezzalama shares on keeping biosafety and seed health in check at CIMMYT.
Combating spread of MLN in Africa poses unique but surmountable challenges, seed health specialist says
Maize lethal necrosis poses a major concern to researchers, seed companies and farmers in sub-Saharan Africa.