Genetic resources
Breaking Ground: Xuecai Zhang prepares future generation of crop breeders
Xuecai Zhang wants to merge traditional maize breeding methods with new software and other tools to help improve farmers’ yields faster than ever.
Breaking Ground: Monica Mezzalama keeps vital check on seed health and biosafety
Plant pathology expert Monica Mezzalama shares on keeping biosafety and seed health in check at CIMMYT.
A ton of seed shipped to the doomsday vault at Svalbard
More than two-thirds of CIMMYT seed collections are now backed-up in the vault on an island in the icy Barents Sea, north of mainland Norway.
Study reveals diversity “blueprint” to help maize crops adapt to changing climates
Scientists unlock evolutionary secrets of landraces through a study of allelic diversity, revealing more about the genetic basis of flowering time and how maize adapts to variable environments.
Breaking Ground: Carolina Sansaloni explores and unlocks genetic potential from wheat genebanks
Carolina Sansaloni’s passion for genetics began when she was at university in Argentina, an interest that grew as she moved on to receive her master’s and doctoral degrees in molecular biology.
Breaking Ground: Scientist Deepmala Sehgal on the trail of novel wheat diversity
Molecular analysis research by Deepmala Sehgal has led to the discovery of novel genes for yield, disease resistance and climate resilience in previously little-used wheat genetic resources.
Breaking Ground: Jiafa Chen on improving maize and building partnerships
Jiafa Chen has helped identify new genetic resources that have been used in breeding new maize varieties that withstand environmental and biological stresses.
Harnessing medical technology and global partnerships to drive gains in food crop productivity
Global research networks must overcome nationalist and protectionist tendencies to provide technology advances the world urgently needs.
CGIAR congratulates the Convention on Biological Diversity at COP13
CGIAR committed to contribute to the actions mentioned in the Cancun Declaration on Mainstreaming the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity for Well-Being together with all its partners.
Cutting-edge tools promote conservation, use of biodiversity
CIMMYT scientists will present at the COP 13 conference on a new collection of tools and resources that could revolutionize maize breeding and promote genetic diversity conservation.
Agricultural biodiversity key to future crop improvement
Conserving and using agricultural biodiversity to create better crops can help meet several sustainable development goals and stave off further species extinctions.
Improved genetic analysis offers faster, more precise results to crop breeders
Researchers improve global collaboration on harnessing genes in breeding that can help the crop withstand the effects of climate change.
New online learning platform offers capacity development for all
An online learning platform created in partnership with the Seeds of Discovery (SeeD) initiative will revolutionize the project’s capacity development efforts.
Combating spread of MLN in Africa poses unique but surmountable challenges, seed health specialist says
Maize lethal necrosis poses a major concern to researchers, seed companies and farmers in sub-Saharan Africa.
New Publications: With climate change, pests likely to spread to new agricultural areas
Pests are likely to spread as climate change continues to impact farming systems globally, according to a new study.