Genetic resources
Tracing maize landraces, 50 years later
Scientists track down the families in Morelos, Mexico, who donated maize landraces to CIMMYT in 1966-67. Would they still be cultivating them?
Wild wheat relative genes to aid in battle against trio of pests
Source: (17 May 2019)
CIMMYT developed wheat lines to defend against pests by breeding durum wheat and Aegilops tauschii, a progenitor species of wheat.
The geese in Morelos, Mexico
Source: La Repubblica (2 May 2019)
Researchers from CIMMYT, the University of Wageningen and the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna published a tracing study on abandonment of maize landraces over the last 50 years in Morelos.
Chicago’s tortillas are better than ever, thanks to Masienda’s heirloom corn from Oaxaca
Source: Chicago Tribune (22 Apr 2019)
Three million subsistence farmers producing heirloom corn in Mexico are protecting biodiversity.
Candidate for FAO leadership Qu Dongyu visits CIMMYT’s headquarters to sign MoU and strengthen collaboration
China’s vice minister of agriculture and rural affairs, Qu Dongyu, visited the global headquarters of CIMMYT.