Genetic resources
The Guardians of Diversity: The Work of Carolina Sansaloni
Carolina Sansaloni, Curator of the Wheat Collection at CIMMYT, champions women’s role in science and safeguards wheat and maize diversity for global food security
Svalbard and Humanity’s Food Security
Cary Fowler and Geoffrey Hawtin received the World Food Prize for their work in conserving global crop diversity, crucially supported by CIMMYT and CGIAR’s genetic resource preservation efforts
This year’s World Food Prize underscores the value of seed banks and their stewards
Source: NPR in Kansas City ()
This year’s World Food Prize highlights the vital role of genebanks like CIMMYT’s in preserving crop diversity, ensuring food security, and supporting climate resilience for future agricultural systems
Seeds to beat the heat in lowland tropics
Partners in South Asia commend HTMA project’s success in the wake of climate change
Context-dependent agricultural intensification pathways to increase rice production in India
Source: Nature Communications ()
A Nature Communications study shows that targeted nitrogen and irrigation interventions can sustainably boost rice yields and profitability in India
CIMMYT Director General visit to UQ
Source: The University of Queensland ()
CIMMYT Director General Bram Govaerts’ visit to UQ strengthened a long-standing partnership focused on advancing sustainable agriculture and food security
Melinda Smale: Exploring the Economic Value of Crop Diversity Conservation
Source: Dailyhunt ()
Melinda Smale’s collaboration with CIMMYT has significantly advanced the understanding of crop diversity conservation, directly contributing to global agricultural sustainability and food security
Enhancing the resilience of our farmers and our food systems: global collaboration at DialogueNEXT
CIMMYT and the World Food Prize Foundation co-organized DialogueNEXT—Seeds of strength: Nurturing farmer resilience, held at CIMMYT headquarters in Mexico from 10 to 11 July 2024. The event brought together scientists, agribusiness leaders, farmers, and policymakers from over 200 organizations and 55 nations, to help shape global collaboration and strategies for sustainably producing nutritious food for all, within planetary boundaries.
CIMMYT scientists deliver training to improve agriculture in Uzbekistan
Agricultural scientists from Uzbekistan completed training on genetic resources and gene banks in Türkiye to build research cooperation and enhance agricultural knowledge across the region.
Launch of a new Global Partnership for the Vision for Adapted Crops and Soils initiative
FAO and CIMMYT team up to boost traditional nutrient-rich, climate-resilient crops and healthy soils to enhance diet quality for today and tomorrow.
G7 summit highlights importance of sustainable food systems
CIMMYT contributes to the G7 goals on agricultural productivity, food security, and climate change through the Vision for Adapted Crops and Soils initiative.
CIMMYT calls for direct agricultural investment to address Sudan’s food crisis
CIMMYT proposes actions to respond to the deteriorating food crisis catalyzed by the ongoing civil war in Sudan.