Atubandike (“Let’s Chat”) is a phygital platform co-developed by CIMMYT, Viamo, and farmers to transform agricultural information channels in Zambia’s Eastern and Southern Provinces. Through the toll-free 667 platform, 4,000 farmers – more than 50% of whom are women – access an interactive voice response (IVR) menu powered by a Viamo Database (see infographic). The platform delivers timely and engaging pre-recorded messages on climate-smart agriculture (CSA); enables farmers to ask questions, which informs content for the platform’s biweekly “talk shows” (like radio shows but on a mobile phone); and provides a space for them to share their stories as “peer farmer experiences” on the platform.

Atubandike’s model involves farmers as co-creators, not merely recipients, of advisory content. Their contributions are curated by a content committee – with farmer, government, and scientist representation – before being published on the 667 platform. Village-based digital champions (50% women, 42% youth aged 18-29) play a crucial role in supporting farmers’ digital skills and promoting trust in digital advisory; they also act as intermediaries between farmers and CIMMYT to address time-sensitive farming questions immediately.
The Atubandike initiative mobilizes local communities to take collective action in challenging social norms that underpin digital access divides. Through community-driven efforts, digital champions are nominated and social changemakers selected to promote inclusive access to the platform.
Together, we are advancing awareness and uptake of CSA practices to boost agricultural productivity and climate change adaptation, using on-the-ground insights to continuously refine Atubandike’s services and ensure every farmer, across the spectrum of demographic groups, thrives in today’s dynamic agricultural landscape.
Listen to Atubandike’s Talk Show: