431 results
Carlos Muñoz Zavala
Assistant Research Associate
Walter Mupangwa
Farming Systems Agronomist
Geoffrey Muricho
Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Specialist
Tawanda Mushandu
Country Administration Manager
Melody Mutengezanwa
Administrative Assistant
Grace Mwai
SAS Program Manager- Africa
Joyce Mwende
Finance Manager
Naeela Qureshi
Wheat Rust Pathologist and Molecular Geneticist
Patne Nagesh
Scientist - Maize Breeding and Seed Systems
Sudha Nair
Maize Molecular Breeder
Natalia Palacios Rojas
Maize Quality Specialist
Hera Lal Nath
Field Office Coordinator
Patience Ndaruza
Field Auxilary
Patience Ndaruza
Field Assistant - Product Development Breeding
Michael Kariuki Ndegwa
Associate Scientist - Market and Value Chain Specialist