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  2. Collins Makatiani Bulinda

Collins Makatiani Bulinda

Consulting Research Associate

Bulinda is a Value Chains Specialist with 8 years of experience leading Value Chains design and analysis, Livelihood, and Social Protection Programs in rural and humanitarian settings across the country. He interacts closely with policy processes and actively engages in generating knowledge that improves the delivery of development programs in the region.

Bulinda is currently a consulting research associate at CIMMYT. He has previously worked for other organizations and projects, providing technical support in strategy and project design, implementation, monitoring and evaluations, and humanitarian programming. He has specifically worked on projects for CHASP, ACTS, ICIPE, GROOTS Kenya, AfriDev Consulting, 3R-Netherlands’s project, ILRI, and Policy and Market Options.

He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Agribusiness Management and an MSc degree in Agribusiness Management at The Centre of Excellence in Sustainable Agriculture and Agribusiness Management (CESAAM) from Egerton University.