Results for "nitrogen"


Smallholder livestock farmers in Zimbabwe are rapidly increasing profits thanks to...

tag iconCapacity development, Nutrition, health and food security

Diverse, stress tolerant maize varieties are benefiting smallholders throughout sub-Saharan Africa.

tag iconCapacity development, Climate adaptation and mitigation,
Nutrition, health and food security

Improved seeds resilient to drought, disease and other stresses allow farming...

tag iconNutrition, health and food security
Climate adaptation and mitigation

At least 40 million smallholder farmers in sub-Saharan Africa are profiting...

tag iconClimate adaptation and mitigation, Nutrition, health and food security
Nutrition, health and food security

For hundreds of international agricultural development experts, an annual gathering in...

tag iconNutrition, health and food security
Nutrition, health and food security

New maize varieties with resistance and tolerance to multiple stresses to...

tag iconNutrition, health and food security
Climate adaptation and mitigation

The Drought Tolerant Maize for Africa project has contributed towards improving...

tag iconClimate adaptation and mitigation, Nutrition, health and food security
Climate adaptation and mitigation

Before climate change became a hot topic, the U.N. Development Programme...

tag iconClimate adaptation and mitigation

Pulses, an annual leguminous crop yielding from one to 12 seeds,...

tag iconInnovations, Nutrition, health and food security

Top 5 new research outputs from CIMMYT covers gender and agriculture...

tag iconCapacity development
Nutrition, health and food security

CIMMYT's Southern Africa Regional Office celebrates three decades of developing new...

tag iconNutrition, health and food security
Climate adaptation and mitigation

With the right varieties, future maize yields in East Africa's highlands...

tag iconClimate adaptation and mitigation
Climate adaptation and mitigation

Climate-smart agriculture could be the solution for farmers to both cope...

tag iconClimate adaptation and mitigation, Environmental health and biodiversity,
Gender equality, youth and social inclusion

As the global community marks World Soil Day, African smallholder farmers...

tag iconGender equality, youth and social inclusion, Innovations,

The gospel of ngamia. When despite drought, maize becomes a ‘source’...

tag iconCapacity development, Nutrition, health and food security