Thomson Reuters, a media and information firm, recently released the 2014 list of Highly Cited Researchers, updated for the first time since 2001. Dr. Rajeev Varshney, Research Program Director, Grain Legumes and Director, Center for Excellence in Genomics (CEG), was recognized for his work with the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT). Varshney was associated with CIMMYT from 2007-2013 through the CGIAR Generation Challenge Programme, and so his research papers are associated with both ICRISAT and CIMMYT.
The list was formerly based on total citations, a system which favored senior researchers and could also be skewed by a single popular paper. This year, Thomson Reuters analyzed papers published in science journals between 2002-2012 and ranked them field-by-field using Essential Science Indicators (ESI). Analyzing papers in the top 1 percent by both field and year removed the advantage of older papers that have more time to accrue citations. Researchers who ranked in the top 1 percent by total citations in each ESI field were included in the final list of Highly Cited Researchers. Varshney is recognized in the category of Plant & Animal Science.
The total list of 3,215 researchers can be reviewed and searched by field at HighlyCited.com.