By Mulunesh Tsegaye/CIMMYT
A comprehensive gender equity strategy for the NuME project has received approval from both the donor and the project steering committee. The strategy is based on an extensive gender analysis study conducted at the outset of the project and covers four areas: gender-responsive communication and extension, access to inputs, capacity building and gender research.
NuME is a project implemented by CIMMYT in Ethiopia and funded by Canada’s Department of Foreign Affairs (DFATD), Trade and Development. It is designed to help improve the food and nutritional security of Ethiopia’s rural population, especially women and children, through the adoption of quality protein maize (QPM) varieties and crop management practices that increase farm productivity.
The strategy was developed during a daylong workshop on 5 March, where 25 participants from all implementing partners and representatives from DFATD took part in brainstorming and action planning. The event also featured a presentation on community conversation where two NGOs (Care-Ethiopia and CHF-Canada) shared their experiences.