Petr Kosina, head of Knowledge, Information, and Training; and Roberto La Rovere, impacts specialist; presented a recently published study entitled “Impacts of CIMMYT’s international training linked to long-term trials in conservation agriculture: 1996-2006,” on 9 June 2009, at CIMMYT-El Batán. Jirina Svitáková, PhD student at the Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague was the lead author of the study.
The study focused on the outcomes and impacts of the training for scientists in public, private, and nongovernmental sectors in agronomy and sustainable management of natural resources. More than 80 trainees participated in CIMMYT conservation agriculture (CA) training courses during this decade. There was a 63% response rate for the survey on which the study is based. Respondents said the course helped them to conduct research differently, link with international scientific networks, grow professionally, and almost half are communicating with their instructors and fellow trainees at least twice a year.
The authors suggested targeting a younger generation of scientists and more women to participate in CIMMYT’s CA training. As well, they suggested possibly doing a more condensed version of the CA training course in certain regions to reach more scientists. CIMMYT scientists participating in the seminar suggested a need for more qualitative indicators (e.g. through personal interviews) for future surveys, and felt the study was excellent for course promotion.