NEW DELHI (CIMMYT) – India’s Krishi Unnati Mela national agriculture fair, which was hosted by India’s Department of Agriculture and the Indian Agricultural Research Institute in March, attracted thousands of farmers who attended to learn about the latest agricultural innovations.
The fair was inaugurated by the country’s Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, who urged farmers to adopt a “three pillars” support system to insulate themselves from crop losses by farming sustainably. The prime minister recommended growing timber on extra land while adopting animal husbandry and other activities. Modi also presented awards to the best performing states of 2014-2015 and visited exhibitions demonstrating the latest advancements in India’s agriculture sector.

Delegates had the opportunity to visit some 500 stalls set up by public and private sector companies to display new crop varieties, modern technologies and inputs. The Borlaug Institute for South Asia and the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center displayed joint research activities underway at sites across India.
Farmers and researchers visiting the display learned about farming practices and technology from interpretive staff and through information brochures, which were made available in regional languages.