The last day of the confrerence started with plenary session 7 – ‘Wheat genetics and breeding for grain quality.’ Among the presenters appeared P.Shewry, I. Ortiz-Monasterio, S.L.K.Hsam, N.Litvinenko, W. Tao, and D. Vazquez. After lunch and poster presentations, the last session (8) of the conference began, focusing on Global research initiatives and international co-operation presented by M.Reynolds, A.van Gastel, T. Payne, D. Cornes, E. Runge, and H.J. Braun.
The organizing commitee (newly compiled of 29 memebers) is collecting applications for the organization of the 9th IWC in 2015. Applications will be accepted up until 01 October 2010.
Follow the event at Twitter: #globalwheat
More aggregated information: http://tinyurl.com/2w53xom
Photos at: http://www.flickr.com/groups/8iwc/