On Saturday, July 29th the ashes of Dr. John S. Niederhauser, who died in August 2005, were laid to rest in a potato field at the Toluca station, by his son Mr. Roberto Niederhauser and his wife. Niederhauser was a leading researcher on potatoes and co-founder of the Centro Internacional de la Papa (CIP), Perú.
The Niederhausers were joined for the ceremony by Ing. Manuel Villarreal Gonzáles, family friend and Dr. Niederhauser’s work colleague; Ing. Hugo Gómez Arroyo, President of Confederacion Nacional de Productores de Papa; Sr. José Gómez Nieva, a friend and colleague of Dr. Niederhauser; Dr. Héctor Losoya Saldaña, Director de Pictipapa. After visiting the station, the group continued onwards and upwards for a second ceremony at the Nevado de Toluca.